Specialized Professional Liability Coverage and Cost-Effective Property Insurance

TRL Insurance Marketing Corp. in Duarte, California, understands the risks and costs involved with running a business in today’s economic climate. To help others succeed in their industries, we offer a full line of property insurance and professional liability coverage.


Competitive Pricing

We shop around for the best coverage and find the right policy to fit your budget and the needs of your business. We take into consideration the best pricing, although there are many reasons you might need commercial insurance. For example, an apartment building needs protection for tenants and security in case of fire. This is also essential when you need to cover the costs of reconstruction after any damage that you may have inadvertently caused.

Public Venues

We provide commercial lines for all types of businesses such as auto body shops, plumbing contractors, retail stores, medical offices, attorney's offices, and more. Our office can also provide coverage for events like concerts or public venues.

Residential Care

As of the first of July of this year, all residential care facilities must have commercial insurance for general and professional liability, and that is something we specialize in. We have a large book of business that deals with this type of insurance and we always have competitive rates.

Contact us for property insurance and professional liability coverage that allows you to keep your business going strong.